- Understanding Your Property Tax Changes
Learn the basics about why property tax bill is changing and what's responsible for that in an easy question-and-answer format. This guide also provides some excellent ideas about how to get involved in budget setting processes and, as a result, influence your property tax bill. Published March 2019.
- Issue Brief #19: Comparing Minnesota's Prices of Local Government (2016 Data)
Examines local government’s claim on the economy and the income of residents, differences in local government fiscal footprints across the state, and the impact of ability to export local tax burden to non-residents. Replicates Minnesota’s statewide Price of Government report for local governments on a county-by-county basis. Includes Calendar Year 2016 data for cities and counties and Fiscal Year 2017 data for school districts. Published March 2019.
- Issue Brief #18: Considerations in Determining the Fate of the Minnesota Provider Tax
Takes a close look at Minnesota's provider tax and debates on whether to reaffirm and extend the tax or allow the scheduled sunset to take place. Discusses the tax's origins and legislative intent, evolution of its role in public health care finance, and evaluates its merits based on tax policy principles. Includes a brief discussion of a recently proposed alternative to the tax and other alternative approaches. Published January 2019.
- Issue Brief #17: Comparing Minnesota’s Prices of Local Government (2015 Data)
Examines local
government’s claim on the economy and the income of residents,
differences in local government fiscal footprints across the state, and
the impact of ability to export local tax burden to non-residents.
Replicates Minnesota’s statewide Price of Government report for local
governments on a county-by-county basis. Calendar Year 2015 data for counties and cities. Fiscal Year 2016 data for school districts. Published January 2018.
- Issue Brief #16: Comparing Minnesota's Prices of Local Government (2014 Data)
Examines local
government’s claim on the economy and the income of residents,
differences in local government fiscal footprints across the state, and
the impact of ability to export local tax burden to non-residents. Replicates Minnesota’s statewide Price of Government report for local governments on a county-by-county basis. Calendar Year 2014 data for counties and cities. Fiscal Year 2015 data for school districts. Published
January 2017.
- Issue Brief #13: Comparing Minnesota’s Prices of Local Government (2013 Data)
Examines local
government’s claim on the economy and the income of residents,
differences in local government fiscal footprints across the state, and
the impact of ability to export local tax burden to non-residents. Replicates Minnesota’s statewide Price of Government report for local governments on a county-by-county basis. Calendar Year 2013 data for cities and counties. Fiscal Year
2014 data for school districts. Published March 2016.
- How Much is Enough? The Implications of School District Labor Cost Trends for State Education Aid
How much state support for K-12 education is “enough”? A look at the implications school district labor cost trends have for state education finance. In this report, we take a closer look at the recent relationship between school districts’ labor costs and state funding for K-12 education and explore the implications past practices and current trends have for the future distribution of state funding to schools. Published December 2015.
- Issue Brief #9: Comparing Minnesota’s Prices of Local Government (2012 Data)
Examines local
government’s claim on the economy and the income of residents,
differences in local government fiscal footprints across the state, and
the impact of ability to export local tax burden to non-residents.
Replicates Minnesota’s statewide Price of Government report for local
governments on a county-by-county basis. Published January 2015.
- Issue Brief #5: "Minnesota's Troubled Price of Government"
Since the early 1990’s, the Minnesota Price of Government (POG) has been calculated to measure and track state and local government’s claim on Minnesota income. However, since its inception, the composition of Minnesota Personal Income – a foundation of the price of government calculation – has changed dramatically making common interpretations and uses of the POG problematic at best and distorting at worst. Published April 2013.
- 50-State Property Tax Comparison Study for Taxes Paid in 2011
This unique study compares property tax burdens on residential homestead, apartment, commercial/retail and industrial/manufacturing parcels in the largest city in each state, a rural area in each state, and the nation's 50 largest cities. Published March 2012.
- 50-State Property Tax Comparison Study for Taxes Paid in 2010
This unique study compares property tax burdens on residential homestead, apartment, commercial/retail and industrial/manufacturing parcels in the largest city in each state, a rural area in each state, and the nation's 50 largest cities. Published April 2011.
- 50-State Property Tax Comparison Study for Taxes Paid in 2009
This unique study compares property tax burdens on residential homestead, apartment, commercial/retail and industrial/manufacturing parcels in the largest city in each state, a rural area in each state, and the nation's 50 largest cities. Published April 2010.
- 50-State Property Tax Comparison Study for Taxes Paid in 2008
This unique study compares property tax burdens on residential homestead, apartment, commercial/retail and industrial/manufacturing parcels in the largest city in each state, a rural area in each state, and the nation's 50 largest cities. Published April 2009.
- 50-State Property Tax Comparison Study for Taxes Paid in 2007
This unique study compares property tax burdens on residential homestead, apartment, commercial/retail and industrial/manufacturing parcels in the largest city in each state, a rural area in each state, and the nation's 50 largest cities. Published April 2008.
- 50-State Property Tax Comparison Study for Taxes Paid in 2006
This unique study compares property tax burdens on residential homestead, apartment, commercial/retail and industrial/manufacturing parcels in the largest city in each state, a rural area in each state, and the nation's 50 largest cities. Published April 2007.
- 50-State Property Tax Comparison Study for Taxes Paid in 2005
This unique study compares property tax burdens on residential homestead, apartment, commercial/retail and industrial/manufacturing parcels in the largest city in each state, a rural area in each state, and the nation's 50 largest cities. Published April 2006.